BEHEMOTH at WESCON with OrCAD – 1990
This is a work-in-progress moment with BEHEMOTH, during the Bikelab epoch at Sun Microsystems. The original Zzipper fairing is still on the console (not the custom fiberglass one), and systems were still being built. I was creating all the bike documentation with OrCAD, which I absolutely adored… I still treasure the binder with drawings at every level of magnification from schematics to block diagrams and cable harnesses. It was an honor to appear with them at WESCON, working the booth with Maggie: selling books, telling stories, and explaining why OrCAD was so cool. The schematic below is a typical one from the project… and includes all the bicycle lighting.
Behind the bike trailer in the photo below, you can see the Boardmaker from Instant Board Circuits, which would take the Gerber files and carve away unwanted copper to yield a double-sided board.
WESCON Electronic Show and Convention
Anaheim, California
November 13-15, 1990

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