Film Archives
Bluegrass Engine Show – Harrodsburg 1973
8mm movie by Edward H. Roberts digitized by Steven K. Roberts Harrodsburg, Kentucky August, 1973 My father left behind a huge library of 8mm home movies from his various explorations ranging from 1940 to the mid-seventies, and I have been converting them to video and selectively uploading to YouTube. Sometimes I also join a relevant…
Read MoreCombo Mowing Rig – 1965 home movie
Combo Bolens Mowing Rig – 1965 – Jeffersontown, Kentucky from Steven K Roberts. This little video is also here in my YouTube channel, where it is more convenient to share. When I was a kid in Kentucky, we had 5½ acres… and it was pretty much my responsibility to keep it all mowed. Our Bolens…
Read MoreEUROPLASTIQUE 1962 – Paris
Here is a 4-minute look at the 1962 EUROPLASTIQUE expo in Paris. I was 9 years old at the time… and my father went to Europe on behalf of General Electric, where he was a refrigerator design engineer at Appliance Park in Louisville. He was a lifelong member of the Society of Plastics Engineers… and…
Read More1956 Glidden Tour – VMCCA – home movie
This is a home movie of the 11th annual Glidden and Reliability Tour, filmed in 1956 by my father, Edward H. Roberts. 200 antique cars covered 450 miles during September 23-29, and it was hosted by the Veteran Motor Car Club of America (VMCCA). The chairman was Dr. Wendell Stadle, and this year’s “hub-style” tour…
Read MoreSS Manitoba – Lake Superior 1946
8mm film by Edward H. Roberts Digitized by Steven K. Roberts August 8-13, 1946 In August of 1946, a 33-year-old GE engineer named Edward H. Roberts stepped aboard the SS Manitoba for a Lake Superior vacation cruise… using his trusty 8mm movie camera to film scenery, crew, passengers, cargo handling, other ships, and a shore…
Read MoreSwarthmore College 1946 Reunion
This was my father’s 10-year reunion after graduating from Swarthmore in 1936 as a mechanical engineer, and he captured about a minute and a half of home-movie footage… which I digitized 75 years later: Swarthmore College Reunion 1946 from Steven K Roberts on Vimeo. He has a little cameo at the top of the page,…
Read More1946 Memorial Day Dismasting in Erie
As I digitize the massive film library of my father, Edward H. Roberts, I find lots of glimpses of events from times long past… often wishing I had been able to do this while he was still alive to answer questions. This is one of those. Through the 1940s, he actively raced his Star-class sailboat,…
Read MoreNew Orleans and St Paul in 1945-46
My father traveled extensively, always carrying his 8mm movie camera. I have inherited a mountain of film, and have been gradually digitizing the footage… often sharing it with historical communities. Here are the two short videos from those adventures, combined into a single archive post. The New Orleans trip was in December, 1945… documented with…
Read MoreErie Snowstorm – December 1945
I am not certain of the exact date; these stills were from an 8mm home movie by Edward H. Roberts, and he had written “December 11, 1945” on the box. But the reel also contained a trip to New Orleans, so it may have been referring to that. In any case, he lived in Erie…
Read MoreAboard the Manitoulin – 1945
8mm film by Edward H. Roberts Digitized by Steven K. Roberts August 13-19, 1945 My father filmed this journey on the Manitoulin out of Owen Sound during the week of August 13, 1945…. two weeks before the end of World War II. His 8mm movie reel sat in a box for 74 years, then I…
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