BEHEMOTH at Motorola Automotive
This visit took place in 1993, when the industry was abuzz with the mobile implications of promising new technologies like GPS and cellular. Motorola was one of my sponsors (with their ground-breaking Traxar navigator as well as radios from the Radius division), and on one of my speaking tours I was invited to swing by Motorola Automotive in Northbrook, Illinois for a little employee show ‘n tell. It was a fun group, not surprisingly, and I love the exuberance in this event flyer that appeared on bulletin boards around the building. As I recall, I came away with some wonderful devices that helped with communications over the years…
Meet B.E.H.E.M.O.T.H. and its Maker
Corporate on-site visit with Motorola Automotive
March 16, 1993
Northbrook, Illinois
Q. What do you get when you combine 2 IBM’s, 1 Macintosh, 1 SPARC station, plus 40 other processors?
A. A 350 pound, 105 speed bicycle with over 300 Megabyte of memory.
B.E.H.E.M.O.T.H. stands for Big Electronic Human-Energized Machine (Only Too Heavy). The ultimate in technology integration.
• New User Interfaces
• Unique Networking and Switching System Solutions
• Heads Up Displays
• Electronic Mapping
• Security Systems
• Solar Power
• Custom Software
• Creative Packaging and Shielding Ideas
• Voice Synthesis and Voice Recognition
• Communications: UHF, VHF, Cellular, Ham Radio, On-Site Paging, Satellite E – Mail, RF Modem and Fax
All on a bicycle. You really have to see this to believe it.
Whatever technology you are currently working on, you will see it applied in a unique fashion. A bicycle and a man chock full of creative solutions.