Healing Our World presentation
Healing Our World invites you to an evening with
Steve Roberts
“High-tech Nomad”
author of
Tuesday, March 10, 8-10 PM
First Congregational Church
Louis at Embarcadero, Palo Alto
$10 donation
Stretch your imagination
experience the odyssey
If you have ever felt chained to a desk, or simply long for more freedom in your life, you’ll want to meet Steve Roberts. In 1983 he sold his suburban Ohio home and moved himself and his free-lance writing career to a 225-pound computerized recumbent bicycle. Steve comes to Palo Alto, 12,000 miles into his odyssey to share his story of the adventure.
“Home,” says Steve, “has become a trio of rather non-traditional places: a radically decked-out machine dubbed the Winnebiko, a 3.5 million square mile neighborhood known as America, and the not-land I have come to call ‘Dataspace.’ Dataspace is the thickening global web of information networks that is beginning to convince people that borders are irrelevant, that difference does not necessarily equal danger, and that brain-to-brain contact is the best possible way to render bigotry obsolete.
“And so I wander freely, unhurried — never missing home, for it’s everywhere I look. It’s time to start thinking globally and render impotent those ideologues who would pit us against ourselves.”
Another in a series of events celebrating a positive future
sponsored by:
Healing Our World (H.O.W.)
540 University Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301 415-323-4999