The move to La Conner is now about half-complete, with the Camano house empty and the lab still cluttered. New facilities are online and working well, and when the relocation is complete I’ll give you a proper walkthrough. Already I’m noticing that there are no more excuses… lab, shop, office, home base, and all the rest are now right at the head of the dock where Nomadness is berthed!

The Nomadness Report is going very well, with the first compilation (both eBook and print) coming when we pass the #12 milestone.

This post was just a quick update to provide a link to the boat’s webcam, though that has been down for years. I leave the page to prevent broken deep-links; the photo above is a little trick I used to do to get a distant view.

I thought you might like something more interesting on the camera than a static view of the Nomadness interior or the adjacent shore, so I strung cable over to the starboard side and parked the Axis 210 in the window.

(Link deleted now; this was a while ago and that is no longer active)

Cheers from Nomadness,


  1. Tom Winn on July 27, 2011 at 5:34 pm

    Thanks many for your webcam. Since I have my boat, Raven, a Rawson 30 Pilothouse model moored just south of you at the Stall/Cotton’s dock, it’s nice to be able to check channel conditions. Wish I had a time lapse of the canoes arriving. We were manning the north “soft landing”, which was a place for those coming from the north to take a break and be ready for the final approach. Did you know that the last canoe, which was white with the yellow Swinomish flag also included Governor Gregoire? She was in the white raincoat up near the bow. I think we saw you in your boat when we motored by in the downpour just about when that canoe was going into the landing area.
    Anyhow, I’d love to have a tour of your boat one of these days. Are you going to live aboard? We live just a block away near the catholic church.
    Where is your next sailing adventure to?
    A little story about the canoes:
    Silly web site, but occasionally a good story can be found there.
    Sail on,

  2. Steve on July 27, 2011 at 7:49 pm

    Thanks for the kind words, Tom! I love Rawsons… would enjoy a tour likewise.

    As to plans, this year is being pretty heavily gobbled up by moving and setting up new facilities, though I do plan a jaunt to the San Juans in September. After a marathon of long-delayed geekery, I’ll be ready to spend some quality time in Northwest waters before doing what most eventually do… head out the Strait, turn left, and see what happens.

    Hope to cross paths soon…

  3. Tom Winn on August 3, 2011 at 3:10 pm

    So, it looks like the webcam has a habit of crashing in the wee hours…power failure?
    I do like that I can see (barely) my boat Raven from your webcam now that it’s pointed more southwardly.

  4. admin on August 3, 2011 at 7:26 pm

    Not sure why the crashing… I sometimes have to stop and restart the event server in the Axis camera, and sometimes the Pepwave Surf needs a power cycle. Strange…