BEHEMOTH at XcelleNet RemoteWare Conference 1995
Keynote Address by Steven K. Roberts
Atlanta, Georgia
October 18, 1995
Join high-tech Nomad Steven Roberts and see how far mobile computing can take you. This entertaining and educational session will feature Roberts and his BEHEMOTH (Big electronic human-energized machine… only too heavy). Roberts has traveled since 1983 on his $1.2 million, 105-speed recumbent bicycle equipped with solar panels, satellite communications, handlebar keyboard, cellular phone with modem and fax, as well as an on-board computer network. This interactive session will provide you with new ways to think about “working on the road.”
Steven Roberts is the author of Computing Across America and the journal Nomadness. He is a native of Jeffersontown, KY who dropped out of technical college to work as a computer science writer in Columbus Ohio. He built his BEHEMOTH with the help of 35 consultants and technicians and with equipment donated for research by more than 140 companies.
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