Winnebiko III on KNTV-11
For years I have been storing a small collection of media dubs in the professional U-matic 3/4″ format, and this 2-minute news story from July 23, 1989 was the first test of my new digitizing system. Maggie and I were renting a house in Milpitas with our friend David Berkstresser to start the BEHEMOTH project, and we spent our days fiberglassing in the back yard, playing with the OSCAR 13 satellite, designing bike systems, making forays to Halted Specialties for parts, and publishing the Nomadness journal. At the time of this video, the Winnebiko II was still intact, grimy from 6,000 miles on both coasts… I had not yet started to disassemble things to do the transmogrification into BEHEMOTH. This 2-minute video was produced by John Crump of KNTV.
Produced by John Crump, KNTV-11
San Jose, California
July 23, 1989 (aired July 24)
Steven Roberts and Winnebiko II in Silicon Valley – July 1989 from Steven K Roberts