Posts Tagged ‘Book reviews’
Computing Across America book review – Systems Librarian
I don’t know this publication, but have to chuckle at the comment near the end in which they say I must have a thesaurus with which I choose big words for effect. I have found that such comments only come from folks who are a bit vocabulary-challenged… they even misspelled “recumbant.” I last owned a…
Read MoreComputing Across America – Portable Computer Review
Ever dream of just “hanging it up and heading into the sunset”? When Steve Roberts sold his suburban home and moved to an exotic high-tech bicycle, he set out to explore a new way of life — one that promised freedom, adventure, romance, and a “helluva lot of fun.” In Computing Across America, Roberts describes…
Read MoreComputing Across America book review – Computer Shopper
The first 10,000 miles of my adventure yielded the Computing Across America book, which I am about to re-issue for the Kindle. This is one of my favorite reviews… and was written by the prolific Michael Banks. Book Review by Michael A. Banks Computer Shopper September, 1988 Computing Across America by Steven K. Roberts Learned…
Read MoreWinnebiko II in Freewheeling – Australia
This beautiful cycling magazine was published by Warren Salomon in Australia from 1977 to 1989, and covers a huge range of history. In the July/August 1988 issue, he reviewed my Computing Across America book just after it came out, then graciously gave me the space to describe the Winnebiko II in detail. For decades I…
Read MoreBicycling Through Time into the Future
Book Review by Doug Mink The Boston Cyclist July-August, 1988 Computing Across America: The Bicycle Odyssey of a High-Tech Nomadby Steven K. Roberts. 1988. 347 pages, paperbound, $9.95. Who among us hasn’t at some time wanted to pack up his or her bike (or car) and head out to live an interesting life on the road, exploring…
Read MoreComputing Across America review – Earth Island Journal
by G. Smith Earth Island Journal Summer, 1988 In 1983 Steven Roberts sold his house and spent the money on a bike. For the next three grueling years Roberts pedaled from one side of the country to the other, starting from his hometown in Columbus, Ohio, and winding up — 19 states and 10,000 miles later…
Read MoreComputing Across America book review – The New Voice
This review had a most interesting effect… it brought my mother around, though somewhat grudgingly, to loving my book. When she first read it, she was aghast at the undeniable evidence that her little boy could be a naughty and occasionally vulgar risk-taker, doing things that one speaks of only in whispers, and sleeping in…
Read MoreComputing Across America review – Human Power IHPVA
It was a great honor to see this review of my book by someone I’ve admired for years… David Gordon Wilson of the International Human Powered Vehicle Association. He and Chester Kyle can be credited with starting the recumbent bicycle movement, and he is also the author of the brilliant Bicycling Science. by Dave Wilson…
Read MoreThe Complete Guide to Microsystem Management – Review
I published this book just before hitting the RESET button on the back of my head and taking off around the US on an open-ended technomadic bicycle adventure. It spun out of an article I wrote for Kilobaud called “Managing the Small System Environment,” discussing such things as related filing systems, backups, and other suggestions…
Read MoreCreative Design with Microcomputers – Today Review
This was my magnum opus from the pre-technomadic epoch… a wide-ranging textbook about industrial control system design. Foolishly, I originally named it Industrial Design with Microcomputers, not knowing there was an entire unrelated field called “Industrial Design”; this later softcover edition came with a title change that still didn’t quite capture the content, but was…
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